Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Crop Registration Due

Just a smiling reminder that for those of you who have signed up - your registration is due starting tomorrow.  I only have a few spots left and would love to know if you are coming for sure. For those of you who have already taken care of this - Thanks so much!
Also there are still YARD SALE vender #'s available and boxes to fill too.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Our Fun = Funds for Malawi

I would just like to share a little of how our fund raiser will be helping.
"Some believe that human trafficking is something that should be low on our list of priorities. Societies and country leaders seem to push this matter to the margins of our day-to-day reality. You can't do that if you have looked into the eyes of children who have been sold into slavery or sexually exploited. They have names and eyes that long for hope. Can you imagine being sold by your prostitute sister as a sex worker at 12 years of age." The Salvation Army believes the rescue of children is our responsibility.

"OVC in the country of Malawi refers to Orphans and Vulnerable Children. In the community of Migowi that I visited today, there are 530 OVC who either have no parents or one parent and in many cases are being raised by an older brother or sister. The Salvation Army captain in Migowi says that there should be 1,000 children coming to their programs as there are that many in need. What do you do when HIV/AIDS wipes out countless caregivers? In Malawi, the community comes together thanks to the leadership of The Salvation Army."
"Today we visited two communities where the Army supports programs that respond to victims of HIV/AIDS. I saw the record books of thousands of people who have been tested and it broke my heart to note so many on each page that had tested positive. Here programs start and stop due to funding, but what we noted today is that volunteers keep things The volunteer care staff with their Salvation Army T-shirts took us to two homes.
In one community we entered a dark room and on the mat lay Gloria and beside her was her sister Victoria. Gloria can't respond as her illness is quite advanced. Victoria tells us how the children will be looked after by the family. The caregivers visit regularly to encourage and help the family. Later in the day we sat in another bedroom where 22-year-old Susan, who had been tested early and is receiving antiretroviral drugs, will likely live to see her three children grow up."
Commissioner Brian Peddle

Monday, February 13, 2012

Yard Sale Box Pick Up

Wahoo!! I am so excited about this cropping event coming up at the end of March and the
& Save your CASH" Yard Sale.
Today, after 4:00pm
you can start coming in and picking up your Bankers Box(es) (Max 5) for $5.00 at All About Scrapbooks & More in Woodstock ON.
and if you do not have your vender # yet there are still numbers available.
Once you have your box.... 
go through your scrappy stash and pick out some items to sell.
Use small label stickers to price your item and don't forget your vender # too. Remember it is gently used and new items please. No item without a number & price will be sold.
For more information about this YARD SALE click HERE - SPRING FEVER CROP & YARD SALE.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Spring Fever Crop Update

I am so excited as to how many people have signed up and are coming to my Spring Fever Crop. It is now just 60 DAYS away! Reminder that your crop fee is due MARCH 1st and that we are still looking for venders for the

I have had some questions on coming to an all day crop. Such as:
"What are some basic tool I should I bring with me?"
"How do I pack for an all day crop"
"Do you have any organization tips for a crop day"
I hope to address these questions in a few blog enteries so that you will be set to go on March 31st.
If you have any questions you would like me to answer, leave a comment on this blog entry or email me at